ARCH 393
Option Design Studio


FALL 2022
3B Design Studio

David Correa

The Biomimetic Design Lab focuses on bio-inspired design strategies that are shaping new technologies and challenging designers to look at the world in new ways. The studio looks at what lobsters can teach designers about structures, how learning from the pine scale is changing homes in New Zealand and how understanding the sand dollar may change the way buildings are made. From the micro-structure of cells, the meso-structures of tissues and bones or the anatomical features of plants, living things have a lot to teach architects and designers about high performance and beautiful design.

The studio offers students the opportunity to investigate the principles that enable biological organisms to create some of the most technically capable structures using locally available materials. Through an experiment-based approach, students investigate how nature addresses the relationship between material, shape and structure. In particular, the Lab will focus on organisms, structures and materials that transform and adapt in response to environmental conditions

Student Projects

