Owen Melisek, Eva Sabourin
Urban Foray: Museum of Rome’s Natural and Cultural History

→ ARCH 492

Urban Foray, the Museum of Rome’s Natural and Cultural History, is an urban and architectural intervention which adapts a historical complex into a community museum designed to bring in and promote a connection with the city’s natural landscape. From the very beginning of the design process, nature has been invited into the discussion and encouraged to lead, rather than be controlled and manicured. This ethos takes on an innovated approach which values the creative power of the wild and chaotic forces on site.

The Museum brings the community and visitors down to the Tiber, a forgotten force and resource of Rome. Through a series of access points, people can once again become acquainted with the River and it’s inhabitants, the fauna and flora. Urban Foray brings a new lens to sustainability in architecture by shifting the natural environment from a background for cultural artifacts into the artifact itself. Patrons are encouraged to rethink what a sustainable future looks like, and the museum puts into questions their relationship and understanding of nature.
