Sarah Yang, Catherine Lian

→ ARCH 392

In the Pinebush Major Transit Area, we are committed to addressing the multifaceted challenges of seniors and social marginalization through the construction of an innovative and affordable retirement home. Our approach to redefining senior housing breaks free from traditional models, prioritizing affordability and promoting the revitalization of self-worth, independence, and a sense of purpose among our senior residents. To realize this vision, we have designed a unique structure with multiple interconnected “houses” that facilitate shared social and leisure spaces, including communal kitchens, laundries, and dining areas on each floor. At the ground level, we have efficiently connected essential facilities, fostering community interaction through spaces like workshops, a sewing studio, a board game room, and a medical room. Additionally, we have integrated green courtyards and diverse roof heights to create outdoor terraces and green areas, further enhancing relaxation and socialization within the senior home. Our holistic approach to urban development ensures that seniors’ needs are met while combating social marginalization in a forward-thinking manner.
